Friday Five: Portland’s Lesser Known Sports

Portland Sports: Underwater Hockey

Mondo Croquet

Portland Sports: Mondo CroquetAnd now we’ve reached the ultimate Portland sport: Mondo Croquet. Just as the name implies, this isn’t your average tea and crumpets-filled Sunday outing. Far from it, indeed.

Costumes aren’t just recommended, they’re damn near required. Hats? The bigger the better.

And with hats so large you don’t expect to be swatting those ridiculously small blue and red croquet balls. Oh, no. Prepare to see sledgehammer-wielding leprechauns smashing bowling balls down the North Park Blocks.

Yeah, I said leprechauns.

Mondo Croquet is featuring their 16th Annual World Championships and Mad Hatter Picnic this summer on July 28. Shoot an email to for more info or check out the website to see even more awesome pictures of previous years’ events.

Image courtesy of


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Jake Donahue
Jake Donahue is more of a Ron Burgundy than he is a Ben Simmons. He does have a background in journalism, sports writing and marketing, though. And he owns the Donahue Media Group, a local web design and project management company, as well as a real estate marketing firm, Portland Picture. Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, he grew up a Mariner fan before launching his own Little League coaching career.