Friday Five: Portland’s Lesser Known Sports

Portland Sports: Underwater Hockey

Cornhole Tournament

Portland Sports: CornholeYou may call it Hillbilly Horseshoes or simply Bean Bag Toss, but Cornhole is the official name of this beanbag-slinging tailgate game – at least according to the American Cornhole Organization.

There’s yet to be a full blown league in Portland (that I’ve heard of), but Underdog Sports Leagues hosts a massive one-day tournament each year with up to 32 teams. Throw in their cheap beer, costumes and free chicken wings and you’ve got a true Portlandia summer afternoon.

Register at Underdog for the tournament July 13, but check out our terminology refresher below so you know what you’re talking about once you get there:

Ace or Cow Pie – A bag lands on the board, which is worth one point.

Cornhole – A bag that falls in the hole, which is worth three points.

Gusher / Jumanji / Double Deuce / Four Pack – Four cornholes by a single player in a single round.

Screaming Eagle – A bag that goes beyond the board without hitting the board.

Sally – A toss that is thrown too weakly and lands on the ground before reaching the board

Image Courtesy of Underdog Sports.


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Jake Donahue
Jake Donahue is more of a Ron Burgundy than he is a Ben Simmons. He does have a background in journalism, sports writing and marketing, though. And he owns the Donahue Media Group, a local web design and project management company, as well as a real estate marketing firm, Portland Picture. Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, he grew up a Mariner fan before launching his own Little League coaching career.