Friday Five: Portland’s Lesser Known Sports

Portland Sports: Underwater Hockey


Portland Sports: MushballIt’s a lot like softball but with a Chicago twist: men can’t wear gloves and the ball is much softer and larger. What originated in the Windy City has been brought to Portland by the owner of Recesstime Sports, Colleen Finn.

“I’m originally from the Midwest and have watched adults playing Mushball in Chicago for years,” she said. “Portland has such a passion for softball, we thought it would be a great addition to our sport portfolio.”

It’s certainly proved a hit. The league has seen up to 16 teams each summer for the past four years and proves easy enough that both men and women love to play. There is no need for a glove since you catch the ball bare handed. Because it’s so soft, it is difficult to hit very far.

You can register online at Recesstime’s website, where they proudly proclaim: “We’re a thriving group of players in Portland, Oregon who love mushball and want to spread the joy of our childhood passion with anyone who wants to share a field.”

Image Courtesy of Recesstime Sports.


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Jake Donahue
Jake Donahue is more of a Ron Burgundy than he is a Ben Simmons. He does have a background in journalism, sports writing and marketing, though. And he owns the Donahue Media Group, a local web design and project management company, as well as a real estate marketing firm, Portland Picture. Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, he grew up a Mariner fan before launching his own Little League coaching career.