Join Our March Madness Pool: $300 in Prizes


We partnered with Oregon Sports News to offer $300 in prizes for this year’s March Madness pool.

Last year, we had exactly 500 people compete for the $100 gift card grand prize. This year, we bumped up the grand prize to $200, second place to $75 and third place to $25! Fill out your bracket, follow us on Twitter and Facebook, and enjoy the Madness! The slots will be taken very quickly so sign up today.

Sign Up Here!

Jake Donahue
Jake Donahue is more of a Ron Burgundy than he is a Ben Simmons. He does have a background in journalism, sports writing and marketing, though. And he owns the Donahue Media Group, a local web design and project management company, as well as a real estate marketing firm, Portland Picture. Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, he grew up a Mariner fan before launching his own Little League coaching career.