Introducing All of Portland’s Sports Teams


Portland has more major league, minor league, semi-pro and college teams than you know about. I promise.

I don’t mean to sound like some hipster announcing a band that “you’ve probably never heard of,” but it’s fair to assume that you’re about to see some team that’s new to your world. In fact, unless you’re some sort of freaky Portland sports buff, I’d guess you’re about to learn of multiple teams that call the Portland area home.

The Rose City is home to at least 29 teams competing at the college level or higher.

And even though we like to think we found them all, chances are we missed a couple (feel free to let us know if we did).

On top of that, there are scores more that compete in all sorts of competitive leagues. But we’re not here to brag about a dodgeball team or wiffleball league (we’ll get into all of those this Spring). We also didn’t include any club sports, youth squads or semi-competitive traveling teams.

We categorized the teams into three groups: Professional, Semi-Professional and College. In order to be dubbed a Pro, there has to be some serious money being thrown at the team. So while the Portland Stags play “major league” ultimate, they’re not exactly competing with the Timbers for coverage on OregonLive.

Beginning Monday, Jan. 27, we’ll introduce you to every team on our list. You’ll learn the history behind each team and why you should root for them. Our first week includes all the obvious major teams, but we’ll quickly dive into the lesser-known levels before you know it.

[UPDATE: Due to some outside factors, our posting schedule was delayed a week. Please keep an eye on our Facebook or Twitter feeds to see when each team will be posted on our site.]

Here’s the lineup:

Portland’s Professional Teams

blazersPortland Trail Blazers
Men’s Basketball – National Basketball Association (NBA)
Meet the Blazers: Monday, Jan. 27

timbersPortland Timbers
Men’s Soccer – Major League Soccer (MLS)
Meet the Timbers: Tuesday, Jan. 28

thornsPortland Thorns
Women’s Soccer – National Women’s Soccer League (NWSL)
Meet the Thorns: Tuesday, Jan. 28

ThunderPortland Thunder
Men’s Arena Football- Arena Football League (AFL)
Meet the Thunder: Wednesday, Jan. 29


Portland’s Semi-Professional Teams

winterhawksPortland Winterhawks
Men’s Hockey – Western Hockey League (WHL)
Meet the Winterhawks: Thursday, Jan. 30

hopsHillsboro Hops
Men’s Baseball – Minor League Baseball (MILB)
Meet the Hops: Friday, Jan. 31

stagsPortland Stags
Men’s Ultimate Frisbee – Major League Ultimate (MLU)
Meet the Stags

portland-raidersPortland Raiders
Men’s Football – Pacific Football League (PFL)
Meet the Raiders

monarchsPortland Monarchs
Men’s Football – Pacific Football League (PFL)
Meet the Monarchs

fighting-filliesPortland Fighting Fillies
Women’s Football – Women’s Football Alliance (WFA)
Meet the Fighting Fillies

ShockwavePortland Shockwave
Women’s Football – Women’s Football Alliance (WFA)
Meet the Shockwave

steelheadsPortland Steelheads
Men’s Australian Rules Football – U.S. Australian Football League (NWL)
Meet the Steelheads

portland-pigsPortland Pigs
Men’s & Women’s Rugby – Pacific NW Rugby Football Union (PNRFU)
Meet the Pigs

oregon-sports-unionPortland Sports Union
Men’s & Women’s Rugby – Pacific NW Rugby Football Union (PNRFU)
Meet the Portland Sports Union

eastside-tsunamiEastside Tsunami
Men’s Rugby – Pacific NW Rugby Football Union (PNRFU)
Meet the Tsunami

chinooksPortland Chinooks
Men’s Basketball – International Basketball League (IBL)
Meet the Chinook

rollersRose City Rollers
Women’s Roller Derby
Meet the Rose City Rollers

questTeam Quest
Mixed Martial Arts
Meet Team Quest


Portland’s College Teams

vikingsPortland State Vikings
Football, Basketball, Cross Country, Golf, Soccer, Tennis, Track, Volleyball
Meet the Vikings

pilotsUniversity of Portland Pilots
Basketball, Baseball, Cross Country, Rowing, Soccer, Tennis, Track, Volleyball
Meet the Pilots

linfieldLinfield Wildcats
Football, Basketball, Baseball, Cross Country, Golf, Lacrosse, Soccer, Softball, Swim, Tennis, Track, Volleyball
Meet the Wildcats

pioneersLewis and Clark Pioneers
Football, Basketball, Baseball, Cross Country, Golf, Rowing, Soccer, Softball, Swim, Tennis, Track, Volleyball
Meet the Pioneers

george-foxGeorge Fox Bruins
Football, Basketball, Baseball, Cross Country, Golf, Lacrosse, Soccer, Softball, Tennis, Track, Volleyball
Meet the Bruins

concordiaConcordia Cavaliers
Basketball, Baseball, Cross Country, Golf, Rowing, Soccer, Softball, Swim, Tennis, Track, Volleyball
Meet the Cavaliers

warner-pacificWarner Pacific Knights
Basketball, Soccer, Cross Country, Golf, Track, Volleyball
Meet the Knights

pacific-boxersPacific Boxers
Football, Basketball, Baseball, Cross Country, Golf, Lacrosse, Rowing, Soccer, Softball, Swim, Tennis, Track, Volleyball Wrestling
Meet the Boxers

pcc-panthersPortland Community College Panthers
Meet the Panthers

cccClackamas Community College Cougars
Basketball, Baseball, Cross Country, Soccer, Track, Volleyball, Wrestling
Meet the Cougars

mt-hood-saintsMt. Hood Community College Saints
Basketball, Baseball, Cross Country, Softball, Track, Volleyball
Meet the Saints

Jake Donahue
Jake Donahue is more of a Ron Burgundy than he is a Ben Simmons. He does have a background in journalism, sports writing and marketing, though. And he owns the Donahue Media Group, a local web design and project management company, as well as a real estate marketing firm, Portland Picture. Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, he grew up a Mariner fan before launching his own Little League coaching career.
  1. ahvu
    January 28, 2014

    Looks like you put NBA for the Arena Football team. Great to know all (or most) of the teams around here!

    1. Jake Donahue
      January 29, 2014

      Thanks for the catch! I just updated that part.

  2. bigmike7801
    January 29, 2014

    You forgot the Portland Monarchs. They’re in the same league as the Portland Raiders (PFL).

    1. Jake Donahue
      January 29, 2014

      Just added them! Thanks, Mike.

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